I recently got my order from Simple Sayings Vinyl Lettering. I was tired of having Nerf bullets stuck all over my house - so I ordered a vinyl target to put in my sons room and another for the play room. He loves it. In fact, we'll probably get another Nerf gun so he and his dad can have shootouts. I love to use vinyl lettering to decorate my house.

I also ordered some vinyl for my calendar holder. Because my calendar is smaller, I had about 9" of empty space at the bottom. Now it is filled with this, "Time spent together is time well spent." It makes me happy every time I see it. Both projects were super easy. The possibilities are endless with Simple Sayings Vinyl.

Simple Sayings Vinyl Giveaway
I am so excited because Kaye at Simple Saying Vinyl is offering
$50 in vinyl to one lucky winner. You can have so much fun with $50. Seriously, that is so generous.
Giveaway closes Thursday, February 17th at 10:00 pm MST. The winner will be announced the following day.
This giveaway is over - but don't miss our newest giveaway.
I'm a follower.
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I really like the 9 Be's, the laundry sayings (been wanting one for my laundry room), and the one plaque about Families.
Posted about this on Facebook.
Please, oh please pick me! I really want to win! ;)
I'm a follower of this blog. My email is htfree88@hotmail.com
I have 3 favorites: the Be's one, FHE1, and Bath6
I'm a follower - disneymom84074@gmail.com
I'm a liker on facebook!
I'm a follower ! ;0) lambjgirl@yahoo.com
I'm a liker on facebook too! ;0) lambjgirl@yahoo.com
I have your button on my blog as well! ;0)
I shared your link via my facebook fan page! http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/ShEs-NoT-yOuR-aVeRaGe-MoM/119260254769169?sk=wall
I love all of the patriotic sayings. My husband is in the Navy and my daughter was born on July 4th so we could use many of those vinyls!
Not sure if my comment worked so here it is again! I love the cute vinyls...especially if they are a free givaway :D
I am a follower janelledickson@gmail.com
now added onto my blog as a button. www.dadicksons.blogspot.com
I "like" you on facebook. janelle D
I like a lot of the sayings, but one that stood out to me today :) was "how will they know unless you teach them so" love it and it isn't "as commonly" used as some of the others.
Looks like there are some really fun links on this blog. I LOVE crafty things.
Ooops! I forgot to leave my contact information. claudia.empey@gmail.com.
I'm a follower!
I love the lettering on the baking dish! That is so cute!
I'm a follower
briannenelson at hotmail.com
I love the family sign and the plate. So cute.
Awesome giveaway and I love your Nerf target. What a great idea!!! I'm a follower! crazybulldogs at comcast dot net
Your on my blog under "my favorite sites"! www.makingmemorieswithyourkids.blogspot.com
I would LOVE the wash, brush, floss, flush saying for my bathroom. How cute would that be?!?!? crazybulldogs at comcast dot net
wow... some of these people have left a lot of comments. I'd love to win... here's my info:
I follow this blog!
your button is on my blog,
Poundit-deb at blogspot.com
I love the happiness sign and kiss me goodnight.
Your button is on my blog.
Have posted this giveaway on Facebook
I'm a follower :)
cutecardsbyjamie at yahoo dot com
I like u on FB
Jamie S.
I love Entry 5a would love to get that for my living room wall :)
Fb'ed about this giveaway
Fb'ed about this giveaway here
added your button to my blog
I'm a follower
I posted about giveway on my blog
your button is on my blog!!
How fun! I'm a follower. That is very generous.
I am a follower! My email is dustdawncleaning@hotmail.com and your button is on my blog which is www.dusttodawncleaning.blogspot.com This is great! Good job! Thanks!
Amy Drawe
Melisa Monroe
I liked on facebook!
i'm a follower!
i put a button on my blog:
i liked Weekly Giveaway on Facebook
I now follow!! :)
Email: mhsprincess@gmail.com
Your button is now added to my blog!
Go look and follow while you are there! :)
I'm following!
Great site! :) mrsatherton@yahoo.com
LOVED the Jamberry Nails post. I have to get me some of those! :)
I've got the perfect place, just don't know what to say.
I am a follower.
I like this on Facebook.
I follow!
Follower! Lead me to greatness oh blog of weekly give aways!
buttoned on the ole blog... http://nicolemoncur.blogspot.com and my email is nicole4077@gmail.com. This goes for my previous entry too :)
I not only like this everywhere, but on FaCebooK too! Nicole M. nicole4077@gmail.com
I love the countdown blocks. My goal is to own a set for christmas and halloween. I also have a few ideas of my own knocking around this old head that I think Simple Sayings could help me get out!
I'm a follower!
Thanks a million
I am a follower, this blog is such a cute idea :)
I'm a follower.
erinjgallagher (at) gmail dot com
Liked Weekly Giveaway on FB - Erin G.
I would love to get the phrase "The most wasted of all days is one without laughter - E.E. Cummings" for our living room.
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